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The Must-Know Safety Checklist for Boaters

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

As much of a fun and productive activity boating is, there are some safety tips to adhere to at all times for the best experience.

It's more than just rules and regulations made up by the U.S. Coast Guard. It's a personal affair and affects the lives of everyone out at sea fishing, diving, cruising, wake surfing, or overnighting.

The authorities have various regulations regarding safety depending on the size and type of your vessel.

However, there are a few essential items that you cannot do without while you're out boating.

Here they are:

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Check the Weather Forecast

You don't want to be far from shore when a bad storm hits. If you go fishing or cruising in the summer months, you should be ready for the occasional bad weather.

File a Float Plan

It's important to prepare a float plan, including essential details as to your destination, the number of individuals out boating, and vessel registration details.

Don't Forget the Life Jackets

Basic, don't you think. Who goes out boating without a life jacket?

You'd be surprised at how easy it is to forget the simplest things. So, ensure that you have sufficient life jackets on board, corresponding to the number of people aboard.

Get Protective Clothing and Gear

Depending on how long you'll be at sea, it's ideal to get waterproof clothing materials. This will help keep away the worst of the chill if and when bad weather hits.

Also, don't forget to bring dark sunglasses and sunscreen lotion to protect against the sun's harsh rays. Shirts with long sleeves and long pants are also ideal.

Do a Boating Safety Course

This sounds like extra, but it's a great way to educate yourself about everything you need to know about staying safe on board a vessel.

Get an Assistant

As the boat owner, it never hurts to have an assistant skipper who knows the safety practices as well as you do.

In an emergency, they can take your place and ensure the safety of everyone on board.

Check the Liferaft

To ensure that the liferaft is working and in prime condition, check where the trigger line is anchored and ensure the anchor point is sturdy.

Get PFDs

PFD stands for Personal Flotation Device and is a type of wearable life jacket that's important for all passengers to have.

If emergencies ever spring up, the PFDs should be the first thing that the passengers should wear.

If it's a short trip, you can insist that they all wear the devices as soon as they board the vessel.

Fire Extinguishers

The rules state that vessels less than 26 feet should have a minimum of one B-1 type extinguisher.

In addition to having this equipment on board, you should also discuss with everyone on board how to use it if the need ever arises.

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Visual Signaling Devices

Perhaps the most important gear of all, a visual signaling device is essential, as it's your only ticket to salvation if you ever are in distress at sea. Flares and other pyrotechnic devices are highly recommended.

Even after all of these, you still need to take extra steps to protect yourself against loss of life and property. That's why you should contact T4 Insurance Solutions for the right coverage.

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